
各位柔術家庭的聲音,我們都聽到了~身為體育署唯一柔術代表的總會,為了落實柔術運動人才之培育與建全柔術運動永續的發展,並確立柔術能力的考評制度,在今(111)年2月經教練委員會審查通過頒布『 台灣柔術總會晉升制度規則書 』
(請在:總會網站-關於柔術總會-升段辦法 :http://tjjf.org.tw/……/TJJF%E5%8D%87%E6%AE%B5%E8%A6……)。
文末特別舉例對照,總會的升帶認證與民間柔術機構的不同處。今年的第一個場次即將在8/20 於亞里綜合武館(地址:延吉街131巷1弄26號B1)進行『TJJF 國際認證升帶季中考試』。歡迎所有柔術家族參與。
Taiwan Ju-Jitsu Federation (TJJF) decided to answer the call of the Taiwanese JuJitsu Community. As the only governing body of Sports Administration, TJJF is taking the next steps to ensure the development of JuJitsu athletes all over Taiwan. In February 2022 , TJJF released the National Belt-Promotion Syllabus (http://tjjf.org.tw/……/TJJF%E5%8D%87%E6%AE%B5%E8%A6……). In the future, all members’ promotion will be based on a strict, merit-base system. Through the aid of our national certified coaching staff, we seek to test and expand the Taiwanese JuJitsu community. This progression is necessary to elevate the Taiwanese JuJitsu standard towards the world stage. In the near future, proper belt certification will be a key factor in the selection of the national team. TJJF has attached in the diagram below on the differences between TJJF Belt Certification and Commercial BJJ Belt Certification. TJJF will host the first ever “Inter-Seasonal TJJF International Belt Promotion Examination” at AZ Fight Club on August 20, 2022 (Alley 1, Lane 131, 26 Yanji St, Taipei City, Da’an District, 106). We welcome everyone in the Ju Jitsu community to join.
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